Vamp Entertainment Weather Policy


The only time rain is a real problem is when there is lightning and thunder present. Although no harm should come from lightning as the units are grounded, we want to play it safe and recommend that inflatables are not used when there is lightning and thunder.


Wind can be a significant concern for inflatables at or above 15mph.  We will not setup any inflatables in any environment with sustained winds of 15pmh or higher.  In the event that an inflatable is setup and sustained winds climb above 15mph, the homeowner is required to deflat all inflatables until the winds fall below 15mph sustained.  All inflatables will be anchored properly at each corner to ensure they can be safely used with mild winds.


All electronics must be used in conditions where they will not be exposed to water, which means they cannot be operated in rain of any kind.  Should the weather change during the rental period and rain begins, the renter is required to move all electronics to an indoor space protected from the weather until the rain stops.

Yard Games

All yard games are safe to use in adverse weather conditions, however we appreciate all efforts to dry off all yard games after being exposed to adverse weather conditions.


All concessions should be protected from any adverse weather conditions at all times.

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